Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours)

University of Queensland - St Lucia

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This course is aimed at high-achieving students seeking an advanced option to study business. Taught by internationally respected industry experts and academics, this degree has a flexible and engaging delivery style to enhance the learning environment. Students select from two pathways: the professional pathway allows up to two majors, while the research pathway is ideal for students who wish to continue on to a PhD. Students may also complete a business industry placement course and undertake a semester abroad. Honours is awarded to all graduates, which means students will have a globally recognised degree that will stand out in a competitive job market. For more information, visit Bachelor of Advanced Business (Hons) at UQ.



Accounting; business analytics; business information systems; innovation and entrepreneurship; finance; human resources; international business; marketing.

Potential Career Outcomes

Business analyst; market research; human resources; international finance; corporate finance; startups; international consultant; government agencies; ministries.

ATAR & Selection Rank

The ATAR and Selection Rank profile is not provided by the institution for this course.

Admission Criteria

Please refer to the University of Queensland website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.

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