Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Western Civilisation)(Honours)

University of Queensland - St Lucia

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Aimed at high-achievers, this course exposes students to contemporary thinking in the humanities and prepares them for a range of careers in leading academic and professional organisations. Students engage with leading humanities researchers from their first year of study and participate in the University’s research culture, applying and developing their analytical skills and employability through practice-led learning and community-building tasks. Embedded in this degree, the extended major in Western Civilisation immerses students in a creative and diverse curriculum with a strong critical focus on the key intellectual movements which have shaped Western Civilisation from antiquity to the current day. Students read, study and critique major works of literature, art, music, politics, law, and religion, and develop an understanding of the dynamic interplay of social, historical and aesthetic forces that have contributed to evolving conceptions of the West For more information, visit Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Hons) at UQ.



Western Civilisation

Potential Career Outcomes

This program prepares graduates for a range of careers in leading academic or professional organisations. Their research training and critical thinking will give graduates an edge in rapidly changing work environments, where logical reasoning, creative thinking and good communication skills are essential.

ATAR & Selection Rank

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Admission Criteria

Please refer to the University of Queensland website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

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