Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)

University of Queensland - St Lucia

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Students challenge and develop their critical thinking and analytical skills in this elite four-year program, and prepare for a rewarding career in science research and industry. Throughout the program students work alongside researchers and collaborate with their peers on cutting-edge research projects to challenge their problem-solving capabilities and develop research, analytical and communications skills. In first year, a broad range of advanced courses will build interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and practical skills.Students develop their scientific expertise and technical skills through a core specialisation. They choose from 23 specialist fields from across science and mathematics or diversify their skill set by choosing from 46 minors in other study areas, including languages, communication, design and economics . The final year will be dedicated to an independent research project in a chosen specialisation. For more information, visit Bachelor of Advanced Science (Hons) at UQ.



Archaeological science; biochemistry and molecular biology; bioinformatics; biomedical science; cell biology; chemistry; coastal and ocean science; computer science; earth science; ecology and conservation biology; food science and nutrition; food technology; genetics; geographical science, marine biology, mathematics, microbiology, physics; plant science; psychology; public health; statistics; zoology

Potential Career Outcomes

Research institutes; private, public sector and charity organisations; universities; hospitals and healthcare; defence; conservation; finance.

ATAR & Selection Rank

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Admission Criteria

Please refer to the University of Queensland website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.

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