Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Macquarie University - North Ryde

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Macquarie engineers will graduate with an international qualification with the capability for life-long learning. They will be able to maintain and develop advanced skills and knowledge for professional of highly skilled work with fast-rate-of-change technologies; and to adapt and change with changing organisation needs. The outcome of the Macquarie engineering degree is the development of a coherent and advanced skill set of capabilities based in the professional engineering disciplines with an international perspective and distinguished by a broad domain expertise with: - Understanding of systems engineering: the process of understanding and designing a system, or component of a system, to meet desired needs within realistic constraints; - Background in fundamental scientific principles: with an ability to apply these together with engineering techniques to identify, formulate, and solve problems; - Competency in principles of professional practice: including project management, business practice, documentation, sustainability, product life-cycle, social and ethical constraints and responsibilities; - Practised capabilities in communications: including personal and interpersonal capabilities to communicate effectively by oral and written means in a variety of contexts including meetings, presentations, team leadership and participation, customer relations; - Research principles and methods to independently solve complex problems that may involve developing new understanding; for careers in the infrastructure, high-technology, precision manufacturing, telecommunications, government and academic sectors. Macquarie Engineers will be prepared for work in research, manufacturing, product development and production, and in operations roles such as sales, marketing, technology management and support.

Admission Criteria

Please refer to the Macquarie University website for admission criteria information.

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