Bachelor of Global Security in Cyberspace, Policy and Security

Murdoch University - South Street

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The world is faced with unprecedented challenges and threats to our security and well-being in the form of climate change and environmental degradation. These threaten the lives of billions of people, with consequences such as water and food insecurity, forced migration and social and political conflict. In this course, you will address the fundamental security challenges of the environment and climate to produce more sustainable and secure futures.

The Environment, Conflict and Security course will allow you to analyse the interrelationships between the environment, climate change, peace, conflict, insecurity, and the production of security. You will learn to analyse, identify and develop innovative and practical interventions that contribute to human safety and well-being in a challenging and rapidly changing world. You can explore these issues further in this short video where you will hear from academics and begin to understand why it's more important than ever that we address these issues.

You will also be given the opportunity to critically analyse complex networks of interwoven social, environmental, economic, and political factors, determining their role in the production of insecurity, vulnerability and harm.


Global security

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Please refer to the Murdoch University website for admission criteria information.

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