Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Science (Honours)

University of Queensland - St Lucia

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Make a positive difference to the lives of countless people as a qualified occupational health and safety professional. With this unique science-focused multidisciplinary program, students combine their studies of health, psychology, law, ethics with management. Learn scientific approaches to identifying, assessing and controlling chemical, physical and biological hazards. They investigate psychosocial health factors, like stress, bullying, harassment and fatigue. With these key skills, they can monitor and modify work environments, deliver education programs and analyse workplace data. They can devise, evaluate, audit and implement Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management systems, complete accident investigations and ensure compliance with legislation. With practical skills gained through placements, worksite visits and industry experience, career outcomes are excellent. For more information, visit Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Science (Hons) at UQ.


Potential Career Outcomes

Be employed in any workplace in Australia or overseas; private sector industries; government; or consultancies.

ATAR & Selection Rank

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Admission Criteria

Please refer to the University of Queensland website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

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