
Fully accredited by the Council of Ambulance Authorities, this course qualifies students as a paramedic. Students learn from experienced lecturers and build their capability in emergency treatment and paramedic care through exceptional learning experiences. These experiences include practical laboratory exercises, high-fidelity simulations, case-based learning, and enhanced work-integrated learning opportunities. Students complete three clinical placements, totalling a minimum of 600 hours of clinical experience. Students develop foundation knowledge in sciences, human body systems, study and research skills and paramedic practice. Study focuses on disease processes and emergency treatment, and includes practical placements in paramedic care, enabling students to graduate work ready and highly sought after by employers. For more course information, visit Bachelor of Paramedic Science.


Potential Career Outcomes

Graduates can pursue a role as a health professional in emergency medicine and retrieval. They may also find employment opportunities in private paramedic services supporting mines, industry and the resource sector.

ATAR & Selection Rank

The ATAR and Selection Rank profile is not available for this course.

Admission Criteria

Please refer to the Central Queensland University website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.

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