Bachelor of Political Science and International Relations/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Griffith University - Gold Coast

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This double degree will give you a better understanding of the causes and consequences of complex crime and criminal justice issues and how they are currently dealt with by government at local, national and global levels. It will combine the study of what makes criminals tick with an understanding of the justice system and policy making processes. With an appreciation of how policy is created and applied, plus an understanding of crime and criminal behaviour, you will be equipped to influence the policy underpinning the justice system to ultimately deter crime, rather than simply respond to criminal behaviour. For more course information, visit Bachelor of Political Science and International Relations/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at GU.



Political Science and International Relations: International relations; political science and public policy; security, conflict and human rights.

Potential Career Outcomes

Studying criminology and justice provides you with a pathway to a wide variety of rapidly growing career opportunities. You will be suited to work in fields such as policing, corrections, government, education, policy development, security, intelligence, regulatory law enforcement, crime prevention, customs, crime analysis, youth justice, courts and justice services. A double degree with Political Science and International Relations will provide you with a variety of opportunities providing advice to government and business leaders, developing policy and managing programs in areas such as economic, environmental and social policy, diplomacy and trade relations. You may also find a job in foreign ministries, defence departments, and intelligence and aid organisations, or work in political risk assessment and humanitarian logistics, or for organisations such as the United Nations and its agencies. With your strong analytical and critical thinking skills, you’ll be able to pursue work in a broad range of sectors including the government, international organisations, media, political parties, a range of business environments and the not-for-profit sector.

ATAR & Selection Rank

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Admission Criteria

Please refer to the Griffith University website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.

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