Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)

University of Queensland - St Lucia

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The Bachelor of Social Science with Honours is a single year of full-time (or part time equivalent) advanced level study plus applied research in the behavioural and social sciences. Your Honours program will combine a flexible mix of coursework and independent study, during which you'll prepare and undertake an approved independent social science research project and submit a formal Honours thesis. Under the Honours program, you'll be encouraged to extend your specialised study in either Health and Social Policy, Development or Environment and Society, and the program can be individually supervised across relevant UQ schools or research centres.


Health and Social Policy, Environment and Society, Development

Potential Career Outcomes

Aid project officer, Public policy adviser, Policy and research officer, Social and government researcher, Social and welfare services planner, Community planning and policy adviser, Community development manager, Environment and sustainability consultant, Academic researcher

ATAR & Selection Rank

The ATAR and Selection Rank profile is not provided by the institution for this course.

Admission Criteria

Please refer to the University of Queensland website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.

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