University Entrance Program (Stream 1) (Distance)/Bachelor of Nursing (Shoalhaven)

University of Wollongong - UOW Shoalhaven

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The University Entrance Program is delivered by UOW College Australia. The bachelor degree is delivered by the University of Wollongong.

The University Entrance Program (UEP) provides an alternative entry to the University of Wollongong (UOW) for students who have not met the direct entry requirement to a UOW College diploma or UOW bachelor degree. The focus is on effective transition to tertiary studies and development of a positive student identity, with subjects specifically designed to develop effective approaches to learning in the higher education context.

There are three different streams in the UEP program, allowing students to study subjects within a selected stream relevant to their chosen degree: Stream 1 in Business and Humanities, Stream 2 in Science and Information Technology, and Stream 3 in Engineering. The course is delivered in one session of 14 weeks duration, with an additional subject in mathematics required for students seeking entry to an engineering degree.

  • Stream 1 for entry into the Bachelor of Arts, Arts (Psychology), Business, Business Administration, Education (The Early Years), Journalism, Nursing, Psychological Science, Social Science, Sport, Sustainable Communities.
  • Stream 2 for entry into the Bachelor of Geography, Science (Human Geography or Environment and Heritage Management).
  • Stream 3 for entry into the Bachelor of Mathematics, Medical and Radiation Physics, Science (Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences).


Areas of study

University Entrance Program: Language, mathematics, science.Bachelor of Arts: Refer to 753101. Bachelor of Arts (Psychology): Refer to 753200. Bachelor Education (The Early Years): Refer to 755113. Bachelor of Journalism: Refer to 754700. Bachelor of Nursing: Refer to 757101. Bachelor of Psychological Science: Refer to 753220. Bachelor of Social Science:Refer to 753300. Bachelor of Sport: Refer to 755100. Bachelor of Sustainable Communities: Refer to 755255. Bachelor of Geography: Refer to 755250. Bachelor of Science (Human Geography or Environment and Heritage Management): Refer to 757710. Bachelor of Mathematics: Refer to 756511. Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics: Refer to 757616. Bachelor of Science (EIS): Refer to 757633, 757637, 757660, 757661, 757662.

Potential Career Outcomes

Career opportunities

Bachelor of Arts: Refer to 753101. Bachelor of Arts (Psychology): Refer to 753200. Bachelor Education (The Early Years): Refer to 755113. Bachelor of Journalism: Refer to 754700. Bachelor of Nursing: Refer to 757101. Bachelor of Psychological Science: Refer to 753220. Bachelor of Social Science: Refer to 755300. Bachelor of Sport: Refer to 755100. Bachelor of Sustainable Communities: Refer to 755255. Bachelor of Geography: Refer to 755250. Bachelor of Science (Human Geography or Environment and Heritage Management): Refer to 757710. Bachelor of Mathematics: Refer to 756511. Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics: Refer to 757616. Bachelor of Science (EIS): Refer to 757633, 757637, 757660, 757661, 757662.

ATAR & Selection Rank

The ATAR and Selection Rank profile is not available as this is a new course.

Admission Criteria

Please refer to the University of Wollongong website for admission criteria information.

Course Seeker

This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.

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