University Subjects

HBS109: Human Structure and Function

HBS109: Human Structure and Function

Subject Reviews

The Cat In The Hat

3 years ago

Study Skills, 10%
2 Quizzes (online), 10% each
Case based learning assignment, 2 parts, part 1 15%, part 2 25%
Exam, 30%
Kids: this unit is as awful as they always say. However: it's also surprisingly fun. Given a ridiculous workload, it's nevertheless not too bad as a unit. It's well taught and easy to know what we need to know... we just need to know it. The exam (which I did a couple of days ago) was actually a lot of fun; being open book I could research the questions and get the answers of the internet (and I did).

The case studies were both done very speedily; procrastination hit me like a bus. In both cases, I finished it the day it was due. Which is not a good idea. However, I did find both very interesting.

I don't know what else to say. My advice is don't get behind. I did, but that's not a good idea.

This is a core subject for nursing. Anyone who wants to go into the broad medical field, I'd advise you to do this unit; it gives a good solid basis.
Lecture Recording Enabled
Craig Wright and Giselle Allsop. Also someone who might've been named Sarah?
Past Exams Available
Either there weren't or I missed them.
3.5 out of 5 depending on my final mark :P
Textbook Recommendation
Don't bother buying any. But definitely download OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology, you'll need it. Recommend doing it in advance. Like as far in advance as you can, to learn the material.
1 x 2 hour Introductory online class (Weeks 1-3 only)
1 x online module per week
1 x 90 min seminar per week
4 x 2 hour practical classes per trimester
Year & Semester Of Completion
2021 T1 (trimester 1)
Your Mark / Grade
Update it when I get it... if I remember... if you're curious and I haven't updated it by August or so feel free to bother me about it.

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11 years ago

  • Practical class worksheets (4 x 10%) 40%
  • mid-trimester test (1 hour) 20%
  • end of trimester examination (2 hours) 40%
This was my elective unit in Semester 1 last year and it's a core subject for Nursing.
The mid-sem exam was online (open book) and the end of sem exam was paper-based. Both exams were multiple choice. Prac worksheets were basically answerable from reading the textbook, which you can take with you.
Don't take it easy because the exams are multiple choice, there's heaps of structures you have to remember as well as their functions. Ask any questions you may have in tutorials (attendance isn't compulsory but it was helpful in my opinion) or you can use the online discussion thing.Overall, I really enjoyed this unit! The lecturers were good with explaining the content and I loved the way the lecture notes were set up (it was beautiful). The only bad thing about this unit was the pracs...I was hoping for dissections but we didn't exactly do any..there was a brain and a heart I think but it was more just observing how it looked :(
Lecture Recording Available
Anne Turner, Phil Parker, Troy Castricum, Stuart Warmington, Rod Snow
Past Exams Available
The lecturers kindly put up last year's exam on the intranet :)
Textbook Recommendation
Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology by Martini with the human body atlas and IP physiology CD. I highly recommend buying the textbook and CD but the body atlas wasn't helpful for this unit (it might be for future units though).
Tutor / Prac Demonstartor
Marita Wallace (there are heaps of others)
3 x 1 hour lectures, 4 x 2 hour practical classes per trimester and 4 x 1 hour tutorial classes per trimester
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013, trimester 1
Your Mark / Grade

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