I have a very mixed feeling about this unit.
First of all, theres no exam which is great. The unit chair whom is Sharon made the decision of abolishing exams for HPS111 and HPS121. She explained that exam is not an effective means of learning.
Instead of sitting exam, we got to do concept maps like we did in high school. But we have to do this on computer this time. Hence we got to learn new technology skills as well as learning to retain information better. Concept maps are great because they require a deep understanding for a topic before we can make links between concepts.
The 6 topics that we touched on were:
Biological Bases Genetics and Brains
Motivation & Emotion
After finishing the concept maps, guess what? You get to mark your own maps!! But youve to write up a 500-words justification for the marks youve given yourself. Your tutor would have a look at it and decided whether youve underestimated or overestimated yourself. They would personally contact you if that happened. If the mark youve given yourself is what the tutor seem reasonable, that would be your final result.
These concept maps are valuable resources for yourself later on if youre going to continue on a psych major. However, there werent any sample or one perfect concept map provided by the unit chair. You have to decide for yourself which concepts are important and which are not. Therefore, its tricky because you dont know whether youve covered everything. All you were given was a rubric with criteria such as structure, clarity, etc to base your concept maps around.