University Subjects

CSE1IOO: Intermediate Object Oriented Programming

CSE1IOO: Intermediate Object Oriented Programming

Subject Reviews


9 years ago

1 X Assignment(20%)
This assignment would have had to been the most difficult Java assignment i've come across in my time. Previous years, the assignment has been relatively easy, but our current cohort was shocked when this assignment was released. We had to simulate a drawing board where we could add shapes to it. Technically speaking, it was a 2d array (using a coordinate-like system) and the use of inheritance/abstract classes/exceptions.... etc.

Do not underestimate this assignment - it's 20% for a reason. Seek as much help as you can if you don't understand the concepts. There is also an execution test which you have to attend to get it marked. 90% of the mark is for execution (that is, does it work correctly?) and the other 10% is judged based on code quality, correct naming conventions etc.
1 X Progress Check Test(5%)
Completed in Week 4 or 5 practice class, students complete a multiple choice and short answer test. It contributes 5% and covers basics of inheritance, polymorphism and general OO programming concepts which you should know.
1 X Real Time Examination(15%)
This real time exam was quite easy and expected. The actual real time exam was close to the sample given with just a few words changed around. It's based on the API LinkedList class, so my suggestion is that you look up how to perform tasks using this.
1 X3 Hour Exam(60%)
The exam is marked out of 180 (due to the 1 mark per minute rule) and was varied in terms of difficulty. My suggestion would be to go through the past exam with sample solutions and also go through your labs. Perhaps even do a few of the labs again as those questions were quite difficult as well.

Main topics of the exam (2014, Semester 1):
* Recursion - ability to trace recursion operations and understanding what the method is doing.
* Manual LinkedList - creating your own node/list/individual (e.g. Item, ItemNode and ItemList).
* API LinkedList - using the Java built-in LinkedList class (import java.util.LinkedList)
* Exception handling - try/catch blocks, when to catch/propagate/throw?
* Generics - converting a non-generic class into a generic class (e.g. from a double to T)
* Interfaces - know how to write an interface and how to implement it into a class.

(all I can remember off the top of my head)
This subject is the continuation of CSE1OOF (Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals), so you need to know and understand your stuff before you start this subject. The subject assumes you know everything from the previous, and thus continues on in accordance with the textbook (Absolute Java). Don't fret though, lecture notes are provided so it's not like you
Lecture Recording Enabled
They weren't available at the beginning but they were turned on around about week 2-3. Don't count on it being available in the future though.
Dr Kinh Nguyen (Subject Coordinator and Lecturer Weeks 1-6), Mitzi McCarthy (Weeks 7-12)
Past Exams Available
There was one available.
Textbook Recommendation
Absolute Java 5th ed, Savitch.

Not a necessity but very helpful as you can take in a textbook to the real time. It's always good to have a reference too.
2 x 1 hour lectures
1 x 1 hour practice class
1 x 2 hour computer laboratory
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014, Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade
92 (A)

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