University Subjects

STA1DCT: Data-Based Critical Thinking

STA1DCT: Data-Based Critical Thinking

La Trobe University
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago


5 Assignments (30%)

The assignments were issued on a fortnightly basis and you had approximately two weeks to complete each. They examined the content learnt in the previous couple of weeks and were approximately 4-5 pages in length each.

Some of the things covered were: surveying, chance/probability, turning data into information and 'from data to decision making'.

These assignments definitely test your problem solving skills, and they somewhat examine some Year 12 Further Maths knowledge.

Numeracy Quizzes (10%)

You are given access to 'MyMathTest' - an online quiz tool which has quizzes which you must complete. They are numeracy assessments. You can try them as many times as you like, and if you achieve over 80%, it gets bumped up to 100% (for the quizzes). Easy 10% in my opinion.

Exam (60%)

The exam questions are in the form of multiple choice and short answer. As I have said, the exam I sat was nearly identical to the practice so it pays to do the practice exam! The questions are similar to the assignment questions.
The first part of the exam is a multiple choice and 'fill in the blank' part where they are questions from the 'numeracy tests'. With the multiple choice questions, you are asked to circle the answer

I would have to say this subject is a very easy mark booster. If you did Further Mathematics, then you will have no problems with this subject. 10% of the final mark is based on numeracy quizzes, where you are given multiple attempts to try quizzes that test your numeracy skills (e.g. fractions and algebra). If you score over 80% on any quiz it is boosted to 100%. The assignments are quite easy if you know what you are doing - it is definitely critical thinking!

In the labs you do a worksheet every time - I feel this was probably the only let down. When there is a large volume of people it's often difficult to get help when you need it. If you do this subject, don't worry too much if you can't complete the labs. The exam I sat was nearly identical to the practice one uploaded - so it pays to do the practice exam!

Overall, very easy to achieve a high mark in. Highly recommended.
Lecture Recording Enabled

Yes, with screen capture and voice.
Luke Prendergast
Past Exams Available

Yes - the actual exam was nearly identical to the past exam with some questions changed around.
Textbook Recommendation

La Trobe publication - Databased Critical Thinking, Authored by Luke Prendergast

1 x 2 hour lecture (was considered 2 x 1 however they were together with a 10 minute break in between).
1 x 1 hour computer laboratory
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013 Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade

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