University Subjects

AFF1000: Principles of Accounting and Finance

AFF1000: Principles of Accounting and Finance

Monash University
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11 years ago

1.Major Assignment 20%
2.Tutorial presentation 10%
3.Mid-semester test 10%
4.Exam - 3 hours 60%.
I only did this unit because it is core for BComm/BBus students. I have never done accounting before so it was quite troublesome. Essentially, the first 6 or so weeks are based on VCE Accounting Units 1 - 4, so you cover 4 units worth of study about 6 weeks. This wouldn't be a problem, however, accounting is dry and boring. The only way I could do this subject is by taking long breaks in between my revision. The lecturers (God bless their socks) sucked. The worst lecturer was Ralph Kober. He reminded me of one of those people who think they're funny, but really aren't. His lecturing style was worthless, he would just stand there for 2 hours reading the powerpoint slides. He was also ostentatious, he spent the first 5 slides of the first lecture going over his accolades. This wouldn't be a huge problem, but he made it very clear that he was a douche by titling slide 1 as "Achievements" and then slide 4/5 as "but wait, there's more!".
There were about 4, I only remember Ellinor Allen and Ralph Kober.
Note There Is A50% Examination Hurdle. If You Do Not Achieve50% Or More On The Exam The Maximum Mark You Can Get Is48%.

Past Exams Available
Yes. Four past exams are available - from the previous two years.
-16 out of 5.
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture.
Textbook Recommendation
Carey, P. (Ed.). (2010). Principles of accounting and finance (2nd ed.).
Two hour lecture and one one-hour tutorial.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1, 2013.
Your Mark / Grade

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12 years ago

Assignment (20%), Online quizzes (10%), Tutorial tests (10%), Exam - 3 hours (60%).
Interesting subject content-wise, however, it can get quite dry at times. Starts off with the basics of accounting and in the later weeks, the lecturers touch on management and financial accounting. The tutorial tests (3 tests) are easy enough if you keep up with the tutorial work; hence buying the textbook would be a good idea because that is where the questions in the tests come from (there are second-hand copies of the textbook). The tests can come up in any week from week 3 to week 11, and they take the best two scores from the three tests. The assignment is broken up into parts A, B and C and isn’t too bad - if you read the textbook, all your answers are in there. The online weekly quizzes should be easy as all the answers are in the textbook again. The exam itself is quite similar to past exams with slight variations in the questions. Only real downside is that the lecturers aren’t that engaging. If you have done VCE Accounting, this unit should be relatively straightforward - however if you haven't, it doesn't really matter because they teach everything from scratch. This unit is also a core unit as part of BBus.
Ellinor Allen, Keryn Chalmers, Nigel Morkel-Kingsbury and Axel Schulz.
Past Exams Available
Yes. Four past exams are available - from the previous two years.
4 out of 5.
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture.
Textbook Recommendation
Carey, P. (Ed.). (2010). Principles of accounting and finance (2nd ed.).
One two-hour lecture and one one-hour tutorial per week.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1, 2012.

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