University Subjects

ATS1338: The Language Game: Why do we talk the way we do?

ATS1338: The Language Game: Why do we talk the way we do?

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


12 years ago

1 x short literature review 15% , 2 x short answer exercises 35% total, tutorial presentations 10%, exam 40%.
This subject tries to give a broad overview of most of the areas of study in linguistics, and some idea as to the content and methodologies used. As a result, you won't study any particular aspect to great depth, but neither will you be expected to write a thesis on them. At times it felt like a 12 week advertisement for the linguistics dept.
Expect to cover some phonology, syntax, historical linguistics, pragmatics, language acquisition, psychology of language and stylistics. The textbook contains all you will need for assessment, and loads of additional (and optional!) resources are supplied if you want to read further. Much of the course content was interesting and relevant, especially complementary if you're doing arts subjects or languages. However, how much you get out of each topic will depend on your interests, so expect to be bored at least some of the time.
If you've done the English Language VCE subject before, this unit is a bit of a bludge, but still slightly more rigorous than EL.The lecturers were all good and really knew their stuff, and Dr. Manns is especially entertaining - it's like watching stand-up. There was free wine, beer and nibbles at the party after the final lecture! FREE. BEER.
Dr. H. Manns, and several (6 or more) specialist guest lecturers during semester.
Past Exams Available
One past exam, provided by lecturer towards the end of semester.
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture.
Textbook Recommendation
The textbook, "Introduction to Language" is useful, but you don't need to buy it. It's expensive (~$100) and there are lots of different editions out there - easy to get the wrong one. The Matheson has a fair few copies and additional weekly readings are provided online.
2 x 1hr lectures, 1 x 1hr tute.
Year & Semester Of Completion
2011/sem 1
Your Mark / Grade
not released yet.

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