University Subjects

ATS2610: Ancient Religions

ATS2610: Ancient Religions

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago


Analytical Exercise | Worth 10%. Relatively simple task in which you are required to answer a few
questions in relation to a particular article or chapter and summarise/analyse
the main points. Completed by Week 4.

Oral Presentation | Worth 10%. During one of the tutorials (weeks 2-11) you are required to give a
max 10 minute presentation on one of the readings for that week. It is your
choice what week you do the presentation and which reading you present on.

Long Essay | Worth 50%. For the essay you have to write 1800-2000 words on a topic of
your choice. It could be related to an overall theme from the lectures/tutorials,
a particular ancient religion or something that caught your interest in one of
the tutorial readings.

Exam | Worth 30%. Comprised two sections. The first section, a short essay (700ish
words) is on one of the lecture themes and is chosen by the lecturer. The
second section, another short essay of approximately 700 words, is chosen by
you and relates to one of the studied religions. The essays do not require you
to "argue" anything but instead simply require you to summarise the lecture or
aspect of a particular religion in question.
Overall, ATS2610 is interesting. Some weeks are more interesting than others which will depend on your personal interests. Each two hour lecture is broken into two sections with the first looking at a particular theme (e.g. Monotheism vs. polytheism; magic; law and ethics) and the second focusing on a particular religion (e.g. Egypt, Hittite, Early Christian).

Tamara is a good lecturer and tutorials helped to clarify anything as required. Tutorials were relatively small with around 12-15 students.
Tamara Prosic
Past Exams Available
No and there was no sample exam.
4 Out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
Ancient Religions - Sarah Iles Johnston. Prescribed and required as the lectures are based on this book specifically, with lecture one corresponding to chapter 1, lecture two to chapter 2 and so on.
1 x 2 hour lecture + 1 x 1 hour tutorial per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2013
Your Mark / Grade
High Distinction 82

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