University Subjects

ATS2668-3668: Syntax - Grammatical Typology and Universals

ATS2668-3668: Syntax - Grammatical Typology and Universals

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


10 years ago

attendance -- 5
weekly homework -- 15
major essay -- 30
assignment -- 25
exam -- 25
I didn't like this subject, but only because I don't really enjoy syntax -- I'd rather focus on applications of linguistics. In terms of structure, planning, workload, etc, I really don't have any complaints, which is why I am still giving this subject a positive review. If you turn up and pay attention and do the weekly homework, you are pretty much guaranteed an easy P or C (I mean, she practically gives away 20 marks for free just by turning up and doing the homework -- which doesn't even have to be right!). Getting anything more than a C takes effort obviously haha.

For the assignment, you are given a language data set. You have to decipher it and come up with phrase structure rules, and draw trees, etc. Pretty straightforward stuff if you're a linguistics student. The assignment I REALLY disliked was the major essay but it could be someone else's idea of fun! You had to pick two languages (not English!) and then compare the way they constructed either relative clauses, causatives or passives and write it up in a mini research essay. It was a pain in the butt to format and gloss and put in coherent academic writing, but it was very satisfying to finish. Anna is quite particular about how you set out your research though, so make sure you do what she wants and you will be fine.

I did this unit because I needed it for a linguistics major. You can do this unit at second or third year level, but I'm glad I waited til third year to do this unit, because I'm sure I would have struggled in second year. Do this unit if you like syntax, otherwise you probably won't like it.
Anna Margetts
Past Exams Available
none, but there are revision questions given out in week 12. and the exam isn't worth much anyway!
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
Understanding Syntax by Maggie Tallerman. I didn't buy it because you can get it online through the library. I did refer to it quite a bit though.
a 2 hr seminar per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013 sem 1
Your Mark / Grade

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