You can find this information yourself on the unit site, but generally cultural component accounts for 50% of your mark (usually comprising presentation, essay and exam) and language component accounts for the other 50% (usually comprising essay, translation test, oral exam and aural comprehension test).
For advanced 1 culture: culture presentation = 10 mins, culture essay = 1000 words in French, culture exam = 1 hour extended response in French.
For advanced 1 language (all in French obviously): essay = 500 words (ish?), translation test = 2 hours, oral exam = 15 min presentation on an unknown article with 1 hour's preparation beforehand + 15 mins conversation, aural comprehension = you watch a video 6 times and transcribe as much of it as you can.
For first-year French students I am reasonably certain that the cultural component will account for 25% and the langauge component 75%.