University Subjects

ECC1100: Principles of Macroeconomics

ECC1100: Principles of Macroeconomics

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago

  • Tute attendance/participation - 5%
  • Three online tests - 3 x 5% = 15%
  • Multiple choice mid-semester test - 20%
  • Exam (multiple choice and short answer) - 60%
The main topics covered are:
Dinusha Dharmaratna - Knows her stuff. The lectures are very well structured imo, and are pretty helpful. Just about all you need to learn the content.
Past Exams Available
Nothing unfortunately.
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, but but Dinusha does a bit of work on transparencies that are not recorded.
Textbook Recommendation
principles of macroeconomics seventh edition - Taylor, Weerapana. Prescribed. Contains the weekly tute questions, and isn't too bad at explaining the concepts. I recommend getting it.
One 2-hour lecture + one 1-hour tutorial = 3 hours
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2 2013
Your Mark / Grade

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