University Subjects

ECE2061: Analogue Electronics

ECE2061: Analogue Electronics

Monash University
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10 years ago

Labs (30%) and exam (70%)
This unit is core for electrical engineering and is frankly one of the more enjoyable core units. It comprises three major parts. The first part is on operational amplifiers, starting with ideal operational amplifiers and moving on to non-ideal amplifiers, and some basic feedback systems theory. The second part is on solid state electronics (diodes and transistors), and the third part is on single transistor amplifiers.

The lecturer for this unit, Jean-Michel, is what makes this unit. He is entertaining and adds a lot of personality to the unit, which makes a huge difference. The lectures are thoroughly enjoyable and well-presented, especially for an engineering unit. The concepts are somewhat difficult, but pay close attention to the lectures (and watch the recordings of them during swotvac) and you will have no trouble with it. There is a book that covers all of the same material, but it is an absolute tome. Reading it is far from necessary to understand the concepts. It's one of those books you begin reading and soon after stop reading once you realise you have read the same paragraph four times and haven't paid any attention to the text.

The tutorials are not what you would traditionally expect. They are essentially like lectures except Jean-Michel spends the hour working through the tutorial sheets. They are also recorded like lectures, which is a bonus. There are weekly labs, and prepare to struggle with them on occasion, as things tend not to work as planned. Don't stress too much about the labs, though. The demonstrators hardly care about the overall quality of your lab work as long as you attempt everything. If you put in the effort, consider them an easy 30% of your grade.
Don't fall behind in this unit. Most of what you learn will build on what is previously covered, so make sure to be up to date with the lectures and tutorials. If you are comfortable with the tutorial problems, the exam won't be an issue. It is reasonable and none of the questions contain any nasty tricks. If you are interested in microelectronics, this unit is a very satisfying introduction. The unit also has a third year continuation: ECE3062 Electronic Systems and Control, so it would be a good idea to understand this unit well or ECE3062 will be very difficult for you (and it's also a core unit).
Jean-Michel Redoute
Past Exams Available
5 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
The prescribed textbook is Microelectronic Circuit Design by Jaeger and Blalock. Lectures should suffice.
3 lectures per week, 1 hour tutorial, 2 hour lab
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013, semester 1
Your Mark / Grade
92 HD

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