weekly tutorial participation - 10%
so i went to all 10 tutorials but they only gave me 9/10. so apparently you have to talk a considerable amount within your group (which i thought i did lol but i guess not). in other tutorials this may be how you present your answer to the class.
preclass quiz through aplia - 10%
this quiz you have to do before the lecture. its basically a quiz on the lecture material that the lecturer will present to you on the week. i think its so stupid because it means you have to self learn and forces you to do the readings before the lecture which means you know all the content because its self taught and there's really no point in attending the lectures. i found myself the lectures to be quite useless as i basically self taught myself the content through aplia. it is important you do the quizzes 3 times if you got the first time wrong so your aplia grade will go up - this can add up to a considerable amount of time (2-3 hrs per aplia quiz per week).
mid sem - 20%
this mid sem was very easy. i think average was a D. it only covers weeks 1-6 which you'll well in if you nail and understand the aplia quizzes.
assignment 1 - 5%
relates to the early weeks which was easy. i used paint to make demand and supply curves and still got full marks for it. just make sure you explain everything you put down because people had marks taken off for supplying a graph but with no explanation as to why their graph was the way it was.
assignment 2 - 5%
a lot harder than assignment 1. my friend found the answers to this assignment on google, in which some of it was wrong lmao. i know different groups of people who followed the answers that was found on google and got the same mark so make sure you know what your writing down before you mindlessly copy from google
exam - 50%
only testing weeks 7-12 which is arguably harder than testing weeks 1-12 because 7-12 is muchhhhhhhhh harder than weeks 1-6. if you did vce economics, weeks 1-6 you will breeze through but 7-12 you will start to struggle if you do not focus. it is important you really understand what is happening because weeks 7 content builds off the rest of the semesters.
during the exam, it was quite easy but the way they worded things was a bit difficult and unnecessary.