University Subjects

ENG1005: Engineering mathematics<br>

ENG1005: Engineering mathematics

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


4 years ago

5x 6% Assignments fortnightly
10x 1% quizzes
This unit is definitely fast-paced with a bunch of content being crammed each week. The assignments are quite difficult and the number of youtube videos I looked at for help only to find they're in Hindi broke me. I heard that in 2020 S2 they changed assignments to be group-based which sounds even more terrible. Regardless, I believe they did this due to the amount of collusion going on between students. My tutor at least, despite never talking to or seeing ever, was a good marker but I've heard that there were very bad markers from other students. I think I dropped like 2 marks in total in the semester despite not knowing half of what I was writing most of the time in the assignments. I recommend learning LaTeX, a maths typescript that makes your assignments look professional even if you don't know what you're saying.
Prof Oliynyk is a very dry lecturer but he's good at explaining what he has to and leaving you confused since there was absolutely no interaction with tutors/lecturers etc. when I did the unit other than the forums. I believe there is also Applied PASS which is like a zoom where you can ask questions though but I never went.
Associate Professor Todd Oliynyk
Past Exams Available
Yes, a lot
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
Engineering Mathematics book recommended. Noticed a lot of people doing the questions at the start of the semester but none by the end. You don't need to do it but it may be useful in finding a similar question to the assignments.
3x 1h lectures
Year & Semester Of Completion
2020 Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade

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