University Subjects

ENG1013: Engineering smart systems

ENG1013: Engineering smart systems

Monash University
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9 months ago

A well run, but sometimes fast passed unit that introduces the basics of Python, Electrical Engineering, and finishes with some basic Materials Engineering content. There is not prior coding or physics knowledge, however VCE physics would make the first week of electrical content much easier.
1 x 2 hour weekly workshop 1 x 3 hour weekly practical Pre-workshop online lessons (anywhere from 15 mins to 2 hours depending on the week)
Lectopia Enabled
Workshops recorded but pracs are not
Past Exams Available
No, but there is a practice content test, and electrical question sheets that can be used for revision.
Textbook Recommendations
Tian Goh (Software), Jonathan Li (Electrical), Golrokh Akhgar (Materials)
Year And Semester Of Completion
Semester 1 2023
2.5% Weekly Pre-Workshop quizzes. 2.5% Flux participation during workshops 2% Lab Pre-Lims 8% Lab Competencies 10% 2 content tests 25% Project 50% Exam Lab Competencies: These will be outlined in your lab book and you will have an allocated time in the week where you go and either show working code, or a circuit to a TA. These follow what you are up to in your workshop content, some being harder than others. At the semester there are 2 due that are MUCH harder, that some people choose to altogether just skipped because of the amount of assessed work due so close together. Content Tests: There will be one on software, with some multi choice and 2 coding tasks. It is open book and you will have a practice on available. The second is on electrics, once again open book. Project: You will be in groups of 5, and have one of two projects that is broken into 5 milestones. Especially at the end of the semester you'll have practical time to work on this, but you will need to spend a lot of time out of class to get the projects finished. There are pseudo code, coding, basic electrical, additional features and a final video milestones to work through. From what I heard, most of the TAs are very helpful when you're stuck, and are there for you during the practical sessions. Each TA has a couple groups each, and they mark most of your milestones, however we found almost any TA was happy to help if you had a question.
The exam is open book at home, but there is no practice exam. The electrical and software sections are very similar to the two content tests, with multi choice, basic coding, advance coding, and some longer answer electrical equation questions.
The first 4 weeks cover python, and as someone who had no coding experience, as long as you complete the pre-workshop lessons you'll be fine. Pre-Workshop lessons cover most of the new content, then the preworkshop coding task allow you to practice and use what you just learn. The workshop comes next, where Tian goes over what was covered in the lessons, and there are TAs that help go through the coding tasks. In pracs, they give you a couple tasks where you practice what you learnt, and these are normally tasks that you can then implement into the project milestone that you are currently working on. Week 5-8 goes over electrical engineering, where you cover circuit analysis, Diodes, LEDs, Transistors and RC Circuits. If you haven't done any physics, the first week where you are introduced to Electrical Fundamentals will have a lot of Pre-Workshop lessons to get through, but if you have, they serve as a nice reminder that you can mostly skip through. At this point in the semester practical classes are a bit more free, where they give you a few tasks, and you just have the whole time to work through them, but I liked this as your team can help you, and even other tables and TAs. In weeks 9 you cover materials, which is not part of the project, but its important to still pay attention as it will be on the exam. Not too much is covered, but some people disregarded it entirely. Finally in week 10-11 Machine learning and Data ethics is covered, which I found interesting, but it did feel a bit separate from everything else. This wont be on the exam, or in the project, but you do need to mention it in a video your team makes t the end of your project.

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