I really enjoyed this unit, probably because maths is the thing that I was most interested in this semester. I was in Dr. Chris Hough's lecture stream, and he was willing to help out and even at some points during the semester, gave you the opportunity to email him if you wanted a further explanation on the reasoning and explanation behind some of the methods used, (as we weren't required to know how the formula came about, just how to use it, but this allowed those (like me) who wanted to know to find out

). He does have a few George Bush/Bill Gates jokes though (be prepared for at least one a week) and went off on a rant or two about the current VCE system. But was willing to help, and unlike some lectures, and actually enjoyed taking the lectures. He even gave a mobile phone number out at the last lecture, so that we could ring him if we needed to clarify something/help on something, as e-mail would be too slow.
The exam was slightly harder than expected, and had a few tricks here and there, but if you were able to do the tute questions/past papers, then you should have been able to do alright.
I think having a good lecturer that was willing to help and enjoyed his maths is what
really made me enjoy this unit, the only downside was the 8am lecture on my longest day.