This was quite a step-up from ETC1000, so for anyone doing this subject, in particular as it is compulsory for any commerce specialist degree, finance major or econometrics major, then a good background in statistics will help you to do well in this unit. For me, I had 2 things that kept me going throughout the unit outside of lecture notes to do the best in the unit that I could.
1. Setup a group study chat on FB messenger. Originally someone posted on Moodle asking for people's facebook names, and the group was only at 4 people. However, that eventually reached 100 people, which was great as you had a network of people willing to answer questions for everything econometrics related, whether it was tedious or not. This is something that I will be using in all of my econometrics related units in the future hopefully.
2. Ben Lambert's youtube videos saved me quite often in the course. Whenever I zoned out due to my lecture slot being a Wednesday 8am, I referred to the videos
here to ensure that I thoroughly knew what the course was speaking about. Also, each of his videos are short and succinct which is great as they summarise parts of the course away from a 2hr lecture. Be mindful though that not all the proofs are given in these videos, so be sure to watch the lecture recordings to memorise those proofs and write them on your cheat sheet to bring into the exam.
Also, a double-sided A4 handwritten cheat sheet was allowed into the exam. This saved me quite a bit, as I was able to write-out all the necessary derivations (except for one, which I missed

) that were covered on the exam. The cheat-sheet also means that less memorisation is required, as you can refer to the cheat-sheet to help you as you go in the exam.
Overall, despite struggling with some of the explanations at the start of this unit, I loved the unit even though it took away a lot of my time to study for other subjects. It introduced the OLS framework and is a great background unit to do before continuing with further econometrics units in the future, if that is your preferred pathway.