University Subjects

FIT1047: Introduction to computer systems, networks and security

FIT1047: Introduction to computer systems, networks and security

Subject Reviews


6 years ago


50% internal
5% weekly online quizzes
- 5-10 MC questions
- Answers can be found in online textbook or lecture slides, not too hard

22.5% assignment 1
- First part is based on logic circuits
- If you know how to build a circuit on Logisim, you’ll be fine
- Second part is based on MARIE assembly language
- Pretty difficult and initially confusing
- The coding tasks are a lot harder than anything they teach you in lab, they basically make you code a mini search directory
- You can get help in PASS classes
- Make sure you comment most of your code
- There are actually no marks for part 2.6.4 so don't worry if you don't do it
- Try and start this assignment as early as you can to give yourself time to learn MARIE

22.5% assignment 2
- A lot easier than the first assignment
- The first part is the survey
- You basically test three or more access points (sources of Wifi) at eight different locations in one building
- E.g. I tested my home Wifi, neighbour’s Wifi, and a phone hotspot in different rooms in my house
- The report is 600 words and if you don’t know the unit content, you can learn what you need to know for the report as you go pretty easily
- Part two involves analysing an article and answering a few questions
- Basically all writing and no coding

50% exam
- There is so much content on the exam, it really does go through all the topics from Week 1-12 but more briefly
- Very very similar to the sample exam (layout and question style)
- Can cram all the content in SWOTVAC if you have to but try not to
- Includes a few small MARIE coding questions
This is a core unit for all IT students and most people find it kind of hard. There is so much information provided that it can be pretty difficult figuring out what is important and what is not (e.g. most history related info). My advice is just to learn the main terms and their definition/main purpose as the exam mostly covers theory and anything that isn't theory, you would have done in the first assignment. The first assignment is probably the hardest thing you'll do in this unit so be as prepared as you can for that!
Carsten Rudolph and Guido Tack
Past Exams Available
Sample exam provided
Recorded Lectures
Lectures are recorded with screen capture.
Textbook Recommendation
Digital textbook provided, pretty helpful but can go into more depth than required. For the most part, I found it more helpful than the lecture notes.
Two 1hr lectures every week and one 2hr lab every week
- In the lab you work through a set of questions related to the content from that week and they're usually pretty helpful
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1, 2018
Your Mark / Grade

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