University Subjects

MAE3401: Aerodynamics II

MAE3401: Aerodynamics II

Monash University
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9 years ago

10% Tutorial Marks (Basically just rock up and you'll get your marks), 20% Written Report
This unit was just an extension of Aerodynamics I, with some revision. Typical aerodynamics stuff like Boundary layers, flows (This time with compressible flows instead of just incompressible flows, which adds extra terms to the NSE), basic circulation etc. were covered. I would assume that you've already had Greg previously from Aerodynamics I, and the way he delivers Aero II is EXACTLY the same.

For the assignment, you basically have to use a software called VIPER which was developed by Greg, run some flow simulations, then extract the data and analyse them using a program called tecplot. It was fairly time consuming analysing the data and would require reading up on some past articles (there are plenty available) to get a high mark. I would definitely suggest learning how to use macros on tecplot when you come across it as the process is really repetitive.

As with Aero I, the lecture notes and tutorial were very well documented, which lead to low attendance in lectures. This is a unit that you can cram 2 days before the exams and wing a HD so no complaints on my side. One of the easier 3rd year unit.
A/Prof Greg Sheard
Past Exams Available
Yes, dating back to 2007. Solutions to at least 2 papers were provided.
3.5 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
None, but it would be useful to have "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by Anderson" from Aerodynamics I
3 x 1hr lectures, 1 x 2hr tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014, Sem 1
Your Mark / Grade

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