University Subjects

MEC2407: Electromechanics

MEC2407: Electromechanics

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


9 years ago


Exam - 80%
2 Class Tests - 8% in total
3 Computer labs - 5% in total7 tutorials 7% in total
This unit is actually fun although many of my friends didn't like it. Firstly, it covers basic electrical circuit analysis including AC theory and Thevenin circuits. I believe this stuff was already taught in first year but our faculty replaced that unit. Then the unit introduces Laplace transformations. There is always one question in the exam that combines circuit analysis and laplace transformations so you must be very confident with them if you want to get a good grade. The actual fun part comes in week 6-7 where you look at analogue sensors such as strain gauge, thermostat, accelerometer,relays and linear variable transformer. I had so much fun with these and built a temperature sensor by myself using arduino. Finally, you'll see type of motors and their uses. See the chapter list below

1- Basic Circuits, Kirchhoff's Laws, AC Circuits and Impedance Matching
2- Laplace Transformations
3- Op Amps
4- Transfer Functions, Frequency Response, RC and RLC circuits
5- Electrical - Mechanical analogues
6 - Sensors
7 - Motors


Tuck uses overhead projector as well as powerpoint. His working or scribbling as he calls it is very messy. You must go to lectures in order to follow his lectures. He also shows as many as 40 videos about sensors so you'll be actually missing out on the fun part if you don't go to lectures.


In these 3 hour tutorials, you'll work on a problem. Yes, a problem. You spent the entire 3 hours doing just one problem with 2-3 sub parts. Although there are tute questions on moodle, you'll find out which problem you should solve in the tutes. So it's a bit like quiz conditions except you can get some help. At the end of these sessions, you submit your solution and get marked by next week.

Computer Labs

There was 3 computer labs using Matlab. You have 2 helpful demonstrators.
1 - Circuit analysis:
In this lab you analyse a circuit using matlab. All the equations are given you just need to analyse the circuit and plot a diagram. You have 2 weeks. It's manageable.

2 - Optic Sensor
In this lab, you'll be using one of the functions of matlab which provides the pixel location of a mouse cursor. Using this you will transfer physical motion into virtual motion. It was so much fun again.

3 - Encoder
You'll write a code to analyse the motion of a motor through encoder. This lab was tedious and most of my friends didn't finish it.
Class tests

These ones were my favourite. I've never seen such a thing before. Get your paper out and follow the questions on the powerpoint. You have 40 seconds until the next question.

Overall, this is a nice good unit with a nice touch to mechatronics.

Tuck Ng
Past Exams Available
Plenty of past exams are available and no solutions are provided.
3.8 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, recorded lectures are available.
Textbook Recommendation
You don't need a textbook. Everything is covered in lectures.
1x3 Lectures, 7 Tutorials and 3 Computer Labs
Year & Semester Of Completion
2015, Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade
68 - C

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