The course is divided into four parts (or themes of study):
Theme I: Personal and Professional Development
Theme II: Population, Society, Health and Illness
Theme III: Foundations of Medicine
Theme IV: Clinical Skills
Of the four themes, I (and the vast majority of the cohort) found themes III and IV to be the most enjoyable because they focus on knowledge and skills that have a direct and practical use in future life as a clinician. Themes I and II contain a lot of theory, a lot of which is very logical and dry. Luckily, majority of the course is focused on themes II and IV, and the exams reflect that too.
The lectures are very good, with most of the lecturers being very captivating and interactive with the students. Questions are allowed to be asked before, during and after the lectures, and all lecturers are more than happy to respond to emails afterwards. The lecture notes/slides given are also of a decent standard and it is possible to pass the unit solely using these. There is no attendance requirement for this unit, however it is expected that students attend all lectures (most lectures are nearly full, so that shows the quality of what is given).
The tutorials are also very enjoyable. Each tutorial focusing on one aspect of the themes, for example in the Clinical Skills tute we learn how to take patient histories, give injections, take blood pressures and measure the vital signs. Most tutes encourage group discussions and teamwork (especially the CBL tutes). There is an 80% attendance requirement for all tutes for this unit.
External site visits give this unit extra depth and enjoyment. During the unit, each student is able to have a hospital and a GP placement, which not only are necessary for the Case Commentary assignment, but are also valuable insight into the medical profession and the clinical years of the MBBS (years 3-5).
The unit (and the course overall) also has an excellent society, Monash University Medical Undergraduates' Society (MUMUS) which facilitates student concerns with the Medical department, provides supports to students, organises academic and social events, provides links to AMSA, manages a facebook group, and much more! Every student enrolled in this unit is automatically a member of this society.
Overall, an extremely enjoyable unit, despite the heavy workload