University Subjects

MED4000: Year 3B and 4C final grade

MED4000: Year 3B and 4C final grade

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


8 years ago

- MED3051 (6.125%)
- MED3062 (6.125%)
- MED3200 (22.75%)
- MED4190 (10.0%)
- VIA Exam (30.0%)
- MED4200 (OSCE & EMQ component, excluding VIA) (25.0%)
Not sure how to feel about this unit given I didn't know about it until very recently haha. It's similar to MED2000, in that it's just a grade for your efforts in the last 2 years. As you can see, the VIA is given a huge weighting, and the internal assessment is not worth that much. Hence, my final recommendation from my three fourth year reviews, is to prioritise your study over the assignments. The study is worth wayyyy more and it's important to realise that. Sure, the assignments of MED4190 are important, but in the grand scheme of things, they're not that important. Study smart and hard ;)
Past Exams Available
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
N/A, this unit is essentially a grade for Years 3 and 4.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1 and 2, 2014-15

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