Honestly, Management is quite easy but really dry. A lot of the concepts are relatively straightforward and even common sense which can be a bonus if you haven't studied much. Other than that, it was a pretty boring unit, although there were some quite interesting concepts. This is a good unit to do if your other units are quite heavy as it's pretty easy to do well and the exam is open book. It is a core unit so you're stuck with it whether you like it or not

Also, just a note that for this unit, you only get a grade mark for each individual assessment during the semester, not the actual number.
LecturesI didn't attend a single lecture and only ended up watching the lecture that covered content for the in-tute quiz, and parts of lectures that covered any important assessment information. From what I've heard, the lectures are quite pointless in that you could easily do the same work at home. You won't really miss out on much if you choose not to attend.
TutesTutes aren't compulsory, so attendance started to drop after a while - I myself skipped quite a few. Honestly, the tutes were really pointless. Only very rarely did we cover something relevant. Other than that, we spent time doing group activities which were not that stimulating or interesting. I definitely don't think the tutes need to run for 1.5 hours and I mostly left having learnt nothing and regretting going. With that being said, it's a good idea to attend at least the important tutes so your tutor is familiar with who you are. The only times the tutes were somewhat important were when the tutor returned assessments or covered important information for assessments. And, of course, you have to attend your tute in the week of the in-tute quiz.
In-tute quizThe quiz is done in your tute and only goes for 20 minutes, with 2 or 3 minutes reading time (so pointless LOL). It covered the lecture content from the week before and it was closed book. Each tute group gets assigned two random questions to ensure nobody cheats - one on each chapter covered. The quiz is out of 10 and each question is worth 5 marks.
ExamThe exam was relatively straightforward. It was 2 hours long with 10 minutes reading time. There is a hurdle requirement to pass the exam (50%), and it is out of 50. A lot of people spent time making notes but I ended up prioritising my law units, so didn't study much for this unit. I ended up taking in my textbook and I wasn't at a disadvantage because everything is in there. The good thing about the exam is that you have a selection of questions to choose from for section A (short answer) and section B (long answer), so it makes life a lot easier! The questions themselves were relatively straightforward. Just make sure you manage your time properly so you don't spend too much time on a particular question, which can quite easily happen for management units.