University Subjects

MGF1010: Introduction to Management

MGF1010: Introduction to Management

Monash University
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5 years ago


weekly multiple choice quiz 15% (1.25% per quiz)
ez, just have your notes open while you do it and the readings as well as they test you on those

individual essay part 1 (10%)
10% of your grade for just a plan that you're gonna develop into an essay a month later? yes please. idk why they gave such a high percentage in just writing a plan but please do make sure you follow they layout on how they want you to do it. you must only write on 1 page (typed) and must adhere to their font size and spacing options so make sure what you write is clear and concise. they also want you to reference your plan lmao but the reference list is not included in the 1 page limit. they are very strict with apa referencing so make sure you get that down pat (i just use microsoft words referencing and it automatically does that for you).
as for the topic in this essay, it was quite broad and open but they love it when you write a rebuttal paragraph so make sure you do that.

individual essay part 2 (20%)
this is the full essay that u've already developed a month before hand and so is not that hard to write on so its pretty easy to do well in if u did well in ur first part.

reflections (15%, 5% each)
this is so stupid lmao. its basically writing how the content you've learnt so far relates to your future career. in order to do well u must make that link of whether or not it can relate to ur future career. if ur not sure what ur future career is, fake it till you make it because this is make or break in ur reflection. imo, my friend wrote a really concise piece but made no reference to their future career and only got a credit :(
if u did well if ur first one, u can just copy that layout and u'll be fine.

completion of workshop activities (10%)
this is tutorial participation. u cant just be there and expect to get 1% for the week, u actually have to do something, whether that is participate in debtates, present questions, write questions or write mindmaps.

exam (30%)
i found this exam to be extremely hard. 2 essays in 2 hrs, sounds like vce english to me. questions are very ambiguous and u have to link 4 weeks worth of topics per question which can be quite difficult
the topics taught in this unit are hella boooooooooring. theres 1 whole week where u learn about emotional intelligence and what it means which is kinda like common sense anyways and also another week to tell you about that people actually change careers :O! crazy stuff.the only thing that i took out of this unit was that i do not want to do anything to do with management because it made me realise my fears of oral presentation so i guess there's that
lakmal abeysekera
Past Exams Available
yeah 1 with no answers :(
1 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
they link u pdfs of books they want u 2 read. u can i guess but i only started reading it near the end cause they want u to provide examples for your exams and this is how u get them other than google

2 hr compulsory tutorial
i absolutely DREAD this tutorial because they make you present tutorial questions that you answer during the tutorial like its an oral presentation where you aren't allowed to just read off what you've written. im not sure why they make you do this because it really does not make you better at presenting as you just wrote your script literally like 5 minutes before it so you gotta improvise on the spot. my group was scolded for just reading off the script as well and the internationals had a hard time during this part of the tutorial especially as they are not as fluent with english.
basically, this tutorial is useless but made fun if you have good friends to just complain about how useless this tutorial is lmao.
you also do mindmaps which if the tutor sees you write a lot of all the time, they will give you full marks for tutorial attendance.

1 hr worth of online lectures
the lecturer presenting these lectures is so boring that its more worthwhile reading off the lecture slides, making notes yourself and then if the slides are ambiguous (25% they are and make no sense), just watch that part of the lecture. the lecturer also tends to dragggggggggggggg on topics which is very annoying especially when he's already said the important parts.
Year & Semester Of Completion
sem 1 2018
Your Mark / Grade

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