weekly multiple choice quiz 15% (1.25% per quiz)
ez, just have your notes open while you do it and the readings as well as they test you on those
individual essay part 1 (10%)
10% of your grade for just a plan that you're gonna develop into an essay a month later? yes please. idk why they gave such a high percentage in just writing a plan but please do make sure you follow they layout on how they want you to do it. you must only write on 1 page (typed) and must adhere to their font size and spacing options so make sure what you write is clear and concise. they also want you to reference your plan lmao but the reference list is not included in the 1 page limit. they are very strict with apa referencing so make sure you get that down pat (i just use microsoft words referencing and it automatically does that for you).
as for the topic in this essay, it was quite broad and open but they love it when you write a rebuttal paragraph so make sure you do that.
individual essay part 2 (20%)
this is the full essay that u've already developed a month before hand and so is not that hard to write on so its pretty easy to do well in if u did well in ur first part.
reflections (15%, 5% each)
this is so stupid lmao. its basically writing how the content you've learnt so far relates to your future career. in order to do well u must make that link of whether or not it can relate to ur future career. if ur not sure what ur future career is, fake it till you make it because this is make or break in ur reflection. imo, my friend wrote a really concise piece but made no reference to their future career and only got a credit

if u did well if ur first one, u can just copy that layout and u'll be fine.
completion of workshop activities (10%)
this is tutorial participation. u cant just be there and expect to get 1% for the week, u actually have to do something, whether that is participate in debtates, present questions, write questions or write mindmaps.
exam (30%)
i found this exam to be extremely hard. 2 essays in 2 hrs, sounds like vce english to me. questions are very ambiguous and u have to link 4 weeks worth of topics per question which can be quite difficult