University Subjects

MON2002: Improving Health Futures in a Global World

MON2002: Improving Health Futures in a Global World

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


10 years ago

  • 2,000-word literature review - 40%
  • Group oral presentation - 20%
  • 2,000-word case evaluation - 40%
  • 80% tutorial attendance hurdle - 0%

This is a "Depth" unit, part of the Monash Passport "Enhance Program" set of units. I'm not going to elaborate much on this, but please have a read of what the Monash Passport program is about here.

This is a really interesting and very unconventionally structured unit. The unit is co-run at the Monash Caulfield campus and Oxfam in Carlton, and tutes were roughly divided between these two places. The aim of MON2002 was to look primarily at developing countries and communities and the health-based, social, economic, political and cultural problems they face. The unit provides an education of and a historical background on global development and how they relate to contemporary and major historical health problems and the many factors that contribute to them. Understandably, a lot of classes were spent getting distracted by discussing la maladie du jour - Ebola.

Unit location:
As mentioned above, the unit is partly run at Monash Caulfield and partly at the Oxfam offices in Carlton (pretty much opposite the UoM Law building, which I must admit is a pretty cool building *grumbles*).

The very impressive UoM law building...
Mr. (Soon to be Dr.) Brad Crammond
Past Exams Available
No exam!
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Nope. You wouldn't need them to be recorded anyway.
Textbook Recommendation
No textbooks required.
1x 3-hr lecture/tutorial/discussion per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2014

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