University Subjects

MTH1112: Numbers, Logic and Graphs

MTH1112: Numbers, Logic and Graphs

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


12 years ago

Examination (3 hours): 70%
Assignments and/or practicals: 30%
Loved the unit but lectures are boring and not too helpful, almost fell asleep every time. Lecturers decided to not record any lectures is so that student would show up to get solution for some work questions in our lecture notes which is stupid IMO. That being said I recommend you to pre-read lecture notes and decide which lecture you want to attend, eg the last 7 or so lectures are useless so skip. This unit might overwhelm you at the start with all these new theory and such but it gets easier later on. Exam is very easy, I mean they give you 7 questions and only 6 of them counts :S, just spam past exam and you'll be fine.
Dr Daniel Delbourgo, Dr Daniel Horsley
Past Exams Available
Quite a few with solutions (many without)
4 Out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
Lecture notes, if you're struggling then I suggest you buy Peter Grossman - Discrete Mathematics for Computing (Grassroots) (2Ed,Palgrave Macmillan,2002), it helps alot
Three 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour support class per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2011 Sem 1
Your Mark / Grade
80 (HD)

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