University Subjects

PSC2012: Molecular Pharmacology

PSC2012: Molecular Pharmacology

Subject Reviews


6 years ago


Clickers/Attendance: 5% (There was about 5 lectures that had this in it so I didn't see the point? Also my clicker died shortly after he stopped using the clickers.)
Midsem test: 15%
Pracs: 20%
Exam: 60%
John Haynes had a tricky way of making questions. He had several questions in his assessment material that had sooooo many ways that it could have been answered, and only one was right. His notes were also rather useless, ended up trying to teach myself from Rang and Dale's days before the exam because I was lost. :')

This unit will not run again as PSC2012, however all of the content will be moved to the new BPS2012: Pharmacology II: Drug Action (and potentially some in BPS2011) unit for 2019+
John Haynes
Past Exams Available
Yes, how many? 3. Oldest was not relevant. The other two weren't great either. No answers.
1.5 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture, some were lacking sound/visuals though.
Textbook Recommendation

Rang and Dale's Pharmacology (any edition). Several times better than John Haynes' notes.

2x 1hr lectures (weekly)
4x 4hr labs
1x 2hr tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
Sem 2, 2018
Your Mark / Grade
65C, pretty reflective of how difficult I found the subject. Happy I passed though. (It took me nearly a whole day to have a captain's hook at my results. I didn't think I passed this unit and knowing my results were out triggered my anxiety but yay I don't have to do pharmacology again :D )

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