University Subjects

PTY2031: Physiotherapy 3

PTY2031: Physiotherapy 3

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


6 years ago

- Attendance at 80% of pracs and tutes
- Attendance as a patient for first year OSCEs
- Participation in group exercise rehab class during prac
- Professional conduct

- 2 x 2hr written exams - 30%
- OSCE - 25%
- Written assignment (2,000 words) - 15%
- Research quizzes - 15%
- Physiology quizzes - 5%
- Anatomy assessments (mid sem & end of sem) - 5%
- CBL performance - 5%
This unit is quite different to what you cover in first year, and developing good clinical reasoning skills is critical if you want to do well in the unit. The content gets a bit dry and can get complex, it's pretty medical and there's lots of new terms to learn, but overall it's not too bad. Wasn't my favourite unit as I found it poorly organised at times (and cuts to the budget resulted in less tutor contact time), but overall it's not the worst. It can be hard to stay engaged if it's not an area of physio that you want to go into, so it's important to make sure you stay disciplined during the semester.
Dr Annemarie Lee (physio theory)
Jo-Anne Corbett (anatomy)
Past Exams Available
One practice exam & practice OSCE scenarios are made available on Moodle by teaching staff later in the semester

3.5 out of 5
Recorded Lectures

Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy: Adults and Paediatrics - Main & Denehy (2016)

Anatomy textbook as per first year physio is Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy, physiology textbook is the same as first year also (Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach).

I also recommend investing in the Physiotherapist's Pocketbook (Kenyon & Kenyon), it's a really handy book to have to refer to in CBL and such because you'll encounter a lot of unfamiliar terms and things that you want to check on. It also nicely summarises some of the principles and essentials of cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
- 2 x 1.5hr CBL sessions
- 7 x 1hr lectures
- 2 x 2hr physio pracs
- 1 x 2hr anatomy prac
+ weekly online lectures (varying between 1-3)
Year & Semester Of Completion
2018 - Semester 1

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