University Subjects

MATH2160: Engineering Mathematics A

MATH2160: Engineering Mathematics A

RMIT University
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago


In-class tests - 30%
Each test is worth 5% so screwing up one test is not the end of the world. The test happens every second week in place of the tutorial. Ok I will be honest with you, there is possibly no way in which you can do bad in these tests(unless you have a social disorder of course) because unlike your normal tests, for some reason you can just walk over to someone else in the class and say 'hey help me on this one' and they will help you and everyone starts helping each other and there are also tutors that help you if you need help in the test and HOLY sugar I wish it was like this during my SACS in VCE! But yes, the in-class tests are like free marks.

Online tests - 20%
These tests only open once you have covered a major topic. There are 4 major topics in engineering math A and they are: Trigonometric functions, Complex numbers, differential equations and integration. Just like with the in-class tests these are worth 5% each. And also like the in class tests, since these are online you can choose to do them in groups or by yourself, whichever suits you best.

Final examination - 50% NOT A HURDLE
The exam is split into MC and SA and worth 80 marks. There are approximately 25 MC and the rest are SA.
I honestly cannot distinguish between the lectures and the tutorials for this subject mainly because the lecturer (Kosta Gerontzos) taught just my program. But Kosta was really fun, he actually bought two big cheesecakes on our last tute (random but it tasted good).Just a bit of advice but even though with this subject you can get high marks easy in tests by asking others, it would be best if you don't do that every time, maybe once or twice is ok but its important that you learn to become independent in your learning which is what university will soon be like.
Lecture Recording Enabled
No, there is absolutely no lecture recordings so if you don't go to a lecture well.....make sure you get the notes form someone else.
Dr.Robin Hill
Kosta Gerontzos
Past Exams Available

Yes, there are too many actually I didn't even get through them all by the time the exam came around.

Textbook Recommendation

'Engineering Mathematics (fourth ed) by Croft, Davison, Hargreaves, Flint' is the recommended book but you can just go over your old methods or spesh book if you have one.

3 x two hour lectures
1 x one hour tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013 semester 1
Your Mark / Grade
94/100 (HD)

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