University Subjects

BCMB20003: Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function

BCMB20003: Biochemical Regulation of Cell Function

Subject Reviews


12 years ago

There is online CAL's (20%), a MCQ midsemester test (10%) and the exam (70%)
I found this subject very enjoyable. The staff go out of their way to help you and genuinely care about the students. All the lecturers are very passionate! As far as the content goes if you are good at memorising material, this is the subject for you! Have a look at the handbook for detail about what is covered, but briefly it covers things such as cell structure and transport, metabolism (a lot of memorisation of metabolic pathways and structures), cell signalling and some plant biochemistry (which i found the least enjoyable). The assessment is very easy. The CAL's are an easy 20% as long as you remember to do them. The test was pretty straight forward (I think it was 20 MCQ from memory). The exam is also pretty straight forward although expects a lot of detail. They really can ask you anything that is on any lecture slide, no matter how much or how little it was emphasized, hence the need to be able to memorise a large amount of material. If you put in the work for this subject it is a pretty easy H1.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture.
Irene Stanely, Graham Parslow, Matt Perugini
Past Exams Available
Yes there are exams for the past 2 years. There are also similar subjects that you can get exams from (from "old generation" subjects).
5 out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
They recommend Nelson and Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, however i didn't use it. The lecture notes sufficed.
Weekly 3 x 1 hour lectures and a 1 hour tute
Year & Semester Of Completion
2010, semester 2
Your Mark / Grade

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