University Subjects

BLAW30003: Taxation Law II

BLAW30003: Taxation Law II

University of Melbourne
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8 years ago

30% 2000 word Individual Assignment, 70% 2hr+30mins Open Book Final Exam
2000 word individual assignment based on the first few topics of company (residency, losses, imputation etc), partnership and trusts. Not a hard assignment, my tips are to include as much detail as you can, and if you get stuck, read the relevant legislation closely, even if Daniel hasn’t gone into the intricate details of a section. For ours, I didn’t think the word limit was that constraining, so write as much as you initially can, and cut down afterwards.
This subject is an extension of the Tax Law I subject, building on previously learnt concepts like income (services, business, passive), deductions and capital gains tax. Don’t worry if you don’t remember much; Daniel definitely helps refresh your memory and it’s not really directly examinable.

I guess I should state upfront that Sunita is not the lecturer. She is the coordinator, but Daniel takes the lectures (and the tutorials as the cohort is quite small). Honestly, his first few lectures weren’t great as he was shy, but he did get better, and his tutorials were quite good (although don’t expect someone like David). You might even remember him as a tutor from Tax I tutes. He does like to draw diagrams up on the board now and then to help understanding, so it’s good to go to lectures.

The content is quite wide ranging, from trusts and superannuation to tax accounting and international taxation. As such, I think Tax II is easier than Tax I, because you really only learn the bare basics of each topic (apart from the first three topics, everything else is one lecture long).
The exam is 2hrs writing time, 30mins reading time, and had two hypotheticals examining multiple topics. Thus, be expecting stock in trade, share of trust income, etc combined into one question. International taxation can also pop up anywhere. Knowing where each topic could potentially fit in a question is helpful.

To prepare for the exam, I suggest rewriting out the tute work, and make sure you know what you’re doing with the 30mins planning time. You really need to identify all the issues relevant to the question and set it out in a cohesive format/order.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with no screen capture.
Daniel Minutello
If you did well/enjoyed Tax I, you may enjoy Tax II. As with any law subject, comprehensive notes are important, as well as a good understanding of how all the topics link together. You should take this subject if you like tax, law, logical reasoning; and if you want an accredited course in taxation law (Y)!
Past Exams Available
Yes, 1 exam, but not very relevant as a new lecturer is taking the subject.
4 Out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Principles of Taxation Law (from Tax Law I)
Daniel writes up notes as he goes through the tute work, setting out a good answer template he suggests you use for the exam. Tax II focuses more on income tax /payable/, as opposed to /consequences/, so do be ready to do calculations. Daniel also goes through these well, so tutes are important :P.

If you realise you need help (after getting the assignment back) with legal-writing skills, try sending Daniel some mock question write-ups or go to his consult. He’s quite happy to help out those who are keen.
1x2hr Lecture, 1x1hr Tute
Year & Semester Of Completion
2015 Sem 1

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