University Subjects

CCDP20001: Street Art

CCDP20001: Street Art

University of Melbourne
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7 years ago

  • Photographic Essay (35%) - Photograph 5 pieces of street art and develop a 200 word caption for each of the photographs. Your essay will have a contention, which will be elaborated upon through the use of the photographs you take and the accompanying captions.
  • Walking Tour (65%) - Involves choosing 5 locations for a walking tour about Street Art and a related topic.
  • Optional Bonus Assignment (5%) - Essay on a Street Artist and an analysis of their street art.

This breadth subject was a breath of fresh air. I can safely say that I enjoyed every minute of it, and as cheesy as it sounds, I can safely say that my view on Street Art has completely changed. It is a subject that focuses less on a plethora of assessments, and more on an open discussion about Street Art as a practice. Dr. Christopher Honig has a vast knowledge of the world of Street Art, and really strives to make the environment a great learning experience where all ideas are open. Discussions arise regarding the practice of Street Art, and how Street Art is depicted in the media. It is very interesting to sit in an environment where everyone is willing to throw in ideas.

The contact hours only consist of one, two-hour tutorial/lecture. I say this because it is not just two hours of being fed information, but rather, open to discussion and debate. Furthermore, you learn to appreciate Street Art not just as vandalism or graffiti, but truly as an expression of art in a form society doesn't necessarily accept.

In regards to assessments, they are honestly very accessible and very easy to do well in if you just tick the key points specified. The first assignment involves taking five photographs of street art, and developing a coherent essay drawing on some of the concepts explored in class. Each photograph is accompanied by a small caption (around 100-150 words). The second assignment takes a bit more work, but is still accessible. You essentially choose five locations of street art, and you develop a thesis that you base your walking tour on. Each photograph you take of one location, is accompanied by a small piece of writing (no more than 200 words), that explores and elaborates on your ideas.

As a bonus, you get to do fun activities like actually practising street art (outside of contact hours). You are taken to various locations and taught techniques of street artistry. Throughout the semester, there are also walking tours in different locations such as Hosier Lane and lane ways in Fitzroy, where you can discuss topics previously explored whilst indulging in street art.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this subject. It is very below the radar and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to do a very interesting subject, which in my opinion is relatively easy to do well in if you adhere to the guidelines of the assessment!
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture
Dr. Christopher Honig
Past Exams Available
Not Applicable
5 out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Not applicable
x1 2-hour lecture/tutorial per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2016, Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade
H1 (80)

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