University Subjects

DASC20010: Applied Animal Physiology

DASC20010: Applied Animal Physiology

University of Melbourne
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11 years ago

Mid semester exam - 10%
Two practical report on two out of the five practicals - 20% (10% each)
Post-prac test on three of the five practicals (not assessed through the report) - 10% (3.33% each)
Final exam - 60%
Lecture Content
1 - Introduction to physiology
2 - Plasma membrane
3, 4, 5 - Nervous system (central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and sensory physiology)
6, 7, 8 - Muscle physiology (skeletal muscle, metabolism in muscle and cardiac & smooth muscle)
9, 10, 11 - Circulatory system (cardiac physiology, blood vessels & pressure and blood components)
12, 13, 14 - Urinary system (fluid & acid balance, kidneys and urine regulation)
15, 16, 17 - Respiratory system (respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and control of respiration)
18, 19, 20 - Digestive system (overview of digestion, chemical digestion and absorption)
21, 22, 23 - Endocrine system (hormone production, function and regulation)
24 - Physiology research as a career (not testable)

The Assessments
The MST was quite easy. It was presented on the LMS and consisted of 60 questions and 1 hour was given to complete it. Material assessed was to the end of the circulatory system lectures. As long as you have made thorough notes on the lectures you can just flip through out notes and find the answers.

3 of the practicals were in the lab and 2 (the 1.5 hour ones) were in the animal house (below the MSLE building) involving sheep. The post-prac questions were just that - 10 questions on the practical. The two assignments involve writing practical reports, where bulk of the words come from analyzing the data and doing research using research papers to find justifications. Make sure you get a early stat of this as it can take a while.

The final exam was fair, but I found it slightly difficult. It is a 2 hour exam and a number questions from the past papers are reused with some rewording, so having done all the past paper would set one well. The format consists of 30 multiple choice worth 30 marks and about 5 written responses worth 90 marks, more than 5 questions are given so you can pick which question you want to answer.

My Opinion on the Subject
Although this subject is titled Applied Animal Physiology, it lacks the applied animal part quite significantly. Firstly, this subject is not similar to Comparative Animal Physiology which examines a whole range of different animals and uses a different approach to physiology; the physiology discussed in this subject is centered on domestic animals. I suspect however, although having not done the subject Human Physiology, that Human Physiology and this subject would be quite similar.
I found the content thoroughly interesting and this subject was a well presented introduction to physiology. This subject to me felt like a hidden gem, not many people come across this subject for one reason or the other, perhaps as it is offered Domestic Animal Sciences. The workload was not excessive nor lacking was at a perfect level. The difficulty was also neither excessive or lacking. For the final exam you just have to understand and memorize all the mechanisms and you should be well set. If you are going to do a physiology major or similar major this subject is highly recommended.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture
Peter Cakebread
Past Exams Available
Yes, approximately 7 (no answers)
4.5 out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Animal Physiology: From Genes to Organisms (Sherwood, Klandorf and Yancey 2005 or 2012) - it is important, but I found borrowing from library was sufficient
2 x one-hour lectures a week, 12 hours of practicals (3 three-hour and 2 one-and-a-half-hour), NO tutorials
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2013
Your Mark / Grade

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