University Subjects

EDUC10051: Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice

EDUC10051: Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice

University of Melbourne
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9 years ago


- On-line tests related to readings (25 per cent) bi-weekly - 3 X 5% MCQ quizzes + 10% coaching certificate
- Coaching unit and rational (50 per cent) (exam period)
- Presentation (25 per cent) (mid semester) - A coaching session that runs for 10-15min per person

A very bludge breadth but quite enjoyable. Didn't attend any lectures and the coordinator and staff became progressively disappointed/upset with the appalling lecture attendance rates across the cohort

First 3 tutorials you have will be at the education buildings where you go over the weekly readings with your "reading circles" AKA reading groups of ~5-6 people. Then the next 2 tutorials/practicals you have will be at the uni sport stadium where you actually get to play some sport - It's pretty much like a PE class :) You kind of forget how fun PE was back in the day- the practicals were good to take mind off things esp with uni. Also if you take this subject try to contribute as much as you can in these 2 practicals as it will give you a good idea of how to run your own coaching session.

In week 6 you will have the normal tutorial at the education building where you will be grouped up into sport groups for the coaching session (e.g. for us it was Basketball week 7, netball week 8, soccer week 9, AFL week 10).

So from week 7-10 you will be running OR participating in the coaching sessions. I coached soccer but I didn't do as well as I would have liked for it. Just make sure you try be as active and encouraging as possible - for some it came naturally since they naturally coach/referee sports. I on the other hand, haven't really played sport since year 10 LOL. I also felt the marks were pretty harsh or maybe it was just my tutor. I recall people who previously took it got 90+ for the coaching practicals...

Quizzes will be 5% each and are MCQ based. They shouldn't be too inaccessible if you have done your readings. It's hard to bluff these because even though the readings are on the LMS, they are scanned as a pdf so you can't really Ctrl+F to search for relevant keywords. You have 1 week from the day of opening to complete the quiz.

The good thing about part of this assessment is that you get 10% for a coaching certificate - free marks :DDDD

As for the essay I haven't really started but I definitely should. It revolves around developing a coaching program for an individual or group spanning 6 weeks. You will need to include your aims for them and what coaching philosophies you have and what styles you have. As to how hard it is to score H1 for the essay let alone the subject, I will update this soon ;)

I gave this subject a 3.8 for the reason that more than often I was doing doing assessments/tasks not because I really enjoyed them (c.f. pharmacology) but because it was a hurdle requirement or assessed. What was also a little bit of a letdown was that my tutor never responded to emails despite knowing our group emailed her to ask questions/help. The coordinator didn't want to be contacted by email and only wanted to chat about assessments or other matters in person after the lecture. Whether the lecturers/tutors who respond/contact via email are the minority or vice versa is another matter but from my experience so far, most staff I contacted from other subjects are very open to chatting/answering questions by email.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture etc.
Many lecturers
Past Exams Available
N/A but sample assessments given
3.8 Out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Readings are provided on LMS
1 X 1hr weekly lecture, 1 X 2hr tutorial/practical per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014 Sem 2
Your Mark / Grade
(Optional) - Not out yet

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