University Subjects

EDUC20080: School Experience as Breadth

EDUC20080: School Experience as Breadth

University of Melbourne
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8 years ago

60% - Reflective Academic Essays due throughout semester:
- Professional Teacher Identity
- Observation topic from placement
- Teaching/learning activity
- Classroom challenge
40% - Final Essay on an Education Issue, free choice, due in exam period
Hurdle - complete 40h of placement, achieve 80% attendance at seminars, and run one of the seminars on some education topic (in a group)

This was a really cool breadth subject! There was basically no content to learn it was all about discussion and stuff so that was hugely relaxing. Placement was a bit of a time commitment but it was worth it and I got to see what school was like from the perspective of a teacher, rather than a student. I was lucky to have a placement that was close-ish to where I live and a placement teacher who had a timetable that suited my uni timetable perfectly.

The essays were also a huge time sink with the research and reading you have to do and this was foreign, coming from science and maths subjects and not having written essays since VCE english (not that they were anything like academic essays back then! referencing and stuff was completely new) but i was rewarded for my efforts with great marks and hopefully will also be rewarded for my effort on the final essay.

You get quite a bit of freedom with what to write which means you can chose things you are interested in and that keeps it kinda fun.
I highly recommend this subject to anyone who has ever considered teaching, I’m really glad I took it and it was a fantastic breadth subject!
Rannah Hetherington and Malcolm Cocking for the science stream, but not sure about the arts/maths/language streams.
Mark / Grade
98 (H1)
across semester: 10x 1h seminar, plus a full day weekend class near the start of semester, plus 40 hours placement in a primary/secondary school (~6 full school days)
Year & Semester Of Completion
2015 Semester 1

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