University Subjects

ELEN20005: Foundations of Electrical Networks

ELEN20005: Foundations of Electrical Networks

University of Melbourne
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6 years ago

10% Workshops, 10% Mid Sem, 20% Assignments (x3), 60% 3hr Exam
Best subject I've done at uni so far! Robert is a very good lecturer, makes sure everything is in order and you are well prepared for the esam and mid sem. He writes tough but fair exams, telling us he just picks questions from the practice problem booklet to use. If you do all the questions in the booklet, you will be fine. My sem was the first where we were allowed 2x double sided cheat sheets. I think this made us worse off seeing as our exam was relatively tougher and longer than past years. However I had made sure to put every question from the practice problem booklet i struggled with on there, and sure enough, half of those exact questions appeared on the exam (just with numbers changed). My recommendation is to expect a tough exam, you have to work for your H1 in this subject.

The workshops were really annoying, in fact they are the only thing I can fault. At times the demonstrators were very useless, not being able to help you with anything other than the workshop. You are not allowed to ask them for help with anything else. The equipment was very outdated and crappy. Meaning a lot of our circuits had issues because of bad wires or breadboards. Make sure you know what you are doing before hand for the workshop and you will be fine. Some students struggled but that was largely due to incompetence and simply not being up to date with the content. Also, make sure you take the time to understand what you are doing in the workshops as there will be a question on your exam directly relating to an experiment you conduct.

The assignments are somewhat challenging at times. However for the most part you should be able to get high 90s if you know what going on in the lectures. Your groups are your workshop groups which are randomly selected. Attempt ALL of the questions yourself. Robert likes to ask questions in his exam that directly relate to assignments. Also in doing it all yourself you get practice with tougher exam style questions.

Overall a very good subject.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screencapture
Robert Schmid
Past Exams Available
Yes, three.
5 Out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Don't need a text book. Lecture slides are top notch. Do buy the practice problem booklet though!
3x Lectures, 1x 2hr Workshop
Year & Semester Of Completion
2018 sem 1
Your Mark / Grade

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12 years ago

5 problem solving assignments totalling 10%. 5 workshop quizzes based on past 2 weeks workshops worth 10 percent. Being able to finish the workshop tasks was worth some marks as well totalling another 10 percent.
The assesments were every alternate week. i.e. If an assignment was due one week,the quiz was the next. So basically we had something every week.
Ofcourse exam worth 60 percent.
By far,the best subject I have done at university. Not only due to the interesting content,but also due to to the fantastic lecturer and the workshops where we wired up circuits on a breadboard.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture.
Past exams available: Yes. No solutions though. However solution to the past sample midtest was given.
Dr. Brian Krongold.
Now To The Workshops
Incredibly enjoyable. The first session involved wiring up circuits that we sussed out on the prelab on an software called orcad. Subsequent sessions,involved actually physically building the circuits analysed by on the prelab on breadboards. Got really exciting during the digital session,specially with the daancing lights etc. Getting to see the various logic gates in action was pretty cool too.
Textbook Recommendation
The course manual must be purchased from the uni bookshop. It contains the course lecture notes which are extremely thorough and brilliant.Voids the need to buy the textbook.
The Workload
Lets be honest,even though not the most difficult subject theres a fair bit to do. Pre labs every week. Assingent/quiz every week. But looking at the effort the lecturer puts in,I dint mind it.
Weekly: 3 x 1 hour lectures, 1 x 2 hour workshop
Year & Semester Of Completion
2012, Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade
86% H1

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