University Subjects

GENE30002: Genes: Organisation and Function

GENE30002: Genes: Organisation and Function

University of Melbourne
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Subject Reviews


9 years ago

One multiple-choice class test held mid-semester (10%); two online assignments/problem-solving tasks due during the semester (15%); a 3-hour written examination in the examination period (75%).
I thought this subject was the easier one out of the two genetics subjects. It is mostly ROTE memory so if you understand the content and can memorize it then you will do good. Some of the content crosses over with MCB from biomed 2nd year and also BCMB20003 (mainly the cyclin stuff and transcription etc) so if you've done either then you will be on familiar ground.

The MST I enjoyed. I found it straightforward. I believe it was predominantly multiple choice true/false. A lot of people complained that the MST was too focused on nuances with subtle wordings and double negatives rather than a true demonstration of your knowledge (which short answers would be better for). I think if you know your stuff you should do good on it but I can see how reading comprehension would come into play.

The assignments are both interesting. You get a science article and a list of questions. You have to read the article and answer the questions. There's a deadline and you can do the questions anytime before the deadline and submit it whenever you want (no time limit). Working in a group makes this easier. They're designed to teach you how to reach scientific articles etc. The articles aren't just random pieces though. They are relevant to the lecture material so if you know the lecture material then the articles will make more sense.
The exam I think was pretty good too. Basically standard multiple choice, short answers, etc. If you know your stuff then you should do well. There isn't really any trickery. Questions for both the exam and MST are recycled so definitely do them.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture.
Chris Cobbett, Meryl Davis, Alex Andrianopoulos, John Golz, Michael Hynes
Past Exams Available
Yes, 1 for 2011. The past exams are not on the past exam website thing but will be provided on the LMS. The subject is based on 652-302 Molecular Genetics so despite only having 1 practice exam from 2011, they list a whole bunch from 652-302 Molecular Genetics which you can do.
Textbook Recommendation
None although they recommend doing some prereading if you haven't done the second year genetics subjects (lecture slides provided on the LMS).
3 one hour lectures per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014 Semester 1
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