Honestly the best subject I've completed during my undergraduate degree! Whether you love languages or not, I think anyone can pick it up given a reasonable amount of study and of course staying on top of your work because it is an intensive. Don't let the idea of an 'intensive' deter you from choosing this subject!
In class you do learn about grammar and vocab. You get to practise talking in Italian in partners and answer textbook questions. We also had the opportunity to visit an Italian Museum and watch an Italian Movie which was great - kept the intensive exciting!
"Intensive"I'm not going to lie ...during the first week I was at times disconcerted because of the pace. Well the issue I had was answering questions when being picked on and I was lost or had to look at my notes to answer. Because of this I was seriously going to change breadths - but thankfully I did not! Yes you will be confused at times but once you get the day off you can revise and review everything. Or even better you ask the teacher right then and there 'I don't understand, please explain.' I'm not a fast learner so to have Friday and the weekend off is great - I connected the dots together and self studied (which works best for me vs understanding things on the spot). So if you're like me bear through the day and revise at night to consolidate everything (learning a language does require patience, this is normal)! Futhermore because this is Level 1, despite it being an intensive there isn't much to cram because you learn things > practise them in class> get tested on content from the day before> so you really will be on top of it - ALSO big bonus everything is fresh for the exam, it was just some light revision and practice for the exam.
Teachers/TutorsAll the teachers are lovely and seem like they love teaching! No kidding! Matteo the coordinator is chill and happy to answer questions or deal with any concerns! He says that last year the cohort was ~40 and this year ~90 and he really wants to promote this subject for future years...probably why a lot of people did well too haha The tutors are really approachable and I think definitely ask for help in class then and there if they're going too quick! Just say 'Una domanda!'

8 daily vocab testsThey are easy to do well in. They test what you've learnt from the prior day. Most are one paged, all quizzes are short. There was one with comprehension qs too - it has basic sentences you already know. Advice: Revise all vocab, grammar from the day before
x2 Assignments:Straightforward. They have two components: Part A is grammar e.g fill in the blank, Part B: Write a short passage (approx 60 words)
By the way they take Academic Integrity seriously (ofc) -make sure you don't google translate stuff.
Hot tip: Use simple, basic sentences you have learned in class. Even if it's "Venice e una citta molto bella" = Venice is a very beautiful city. Simple but enough to get you marks. Believe me!
Listening testThe teacher reads the passages (they are short!) out - clearly and with a decent pace too. The questions are MC true/false. Once again it's pretty easy as long as you got the vocab down.
Participation:They mark this fairly IMO but it's not just for attending class. They give you a rubric. Tutors go around the class to ask for answers (don't fret, everyone has to respond and don't worry if you don't know -- because it's an opportunity to learn) - but I think you have to actually give your opinion (e.g about the movie/videos you watch during class) to get H2A or H1. It's seriously ok if you can't form complete Italian sentences ( e.g What was this ad about? How does this ad portray Italians?) - just try in English if you can't!!! They'll help you out and everyone's a beginner.
Exam:They prep you well for the exam - no kidding! They'll go through writing exercises that will aid you in the actual exam - you get an opportunity to test out your writing, the teacher will come around and correct your mistakes. I think the best advice I can give is: Practice makes perfect or Do the exercises in the Activity Book! The exam questions are really similar to the ones you get in your daily quizzes. From memory it was divided into Comprehension (True/False), Grammar and Writing.
I could write moreee...but if you have specifics please feel free to inbox me with questions etc

And please give this breadth a try - you might love it enough to continue on to Italian 2!