University Subjects

LING20003: Second Language Learning and Teaching

LING20003: Second Language Learning and Teaching

University of Melbourne
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago


Assignment 1 (20%; 800 words): Collecting a sample of language produced by a beginner/low intermediate second language learner, analysing it for main errors, then explaining them in terms of the topics covered in the subject.

Assignment 2 (40%; 1600 words): Interviewing a classmate about his/her experience of learning a second language, then analysing/explaining possible reasons for his/her perceived success/lack of success by reference to the individual variables covered in this course.

Assignment 3/Take-home Exam (40%; 1600 words): Students could either analyse course materials or observe language classrooms.
Option A: Selecting two course books designed for use in second language classrooms and analysing their approach to the teaching of a specific language skill.
Option B: Observing one language class and discussing the lesson by reference to the language learning theories and teaching-specific language skills covered in the subject.
The subject is exactly what its name suggests. The first 8 weeks covered second language learning based on theories (eg. behaviourism, interlanguage, universal grammar...) and individual factors (ie. age, motivation, aptitude, strategies), and the next 4 weeks covered second language teaching based on approaches (eg. grammar, audiolingualism, tasks...) and skills (eg. listening, reading, speaking, writing). The tutorials involved sharing learning experiences/opinions or completing worksheet exercises in small groups, and did manage to foster some healthy discussion, even debate. The subject is not ~boring~, but also not supremely memorable. It's neither difficult, nor a guaranteed H1. Gosh, I don't really know what to say beyond the obvious!
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture.
Neomy Storch
Past Exams Available
Textbook Recommendation
The prescribed textbook was Second Language Theories by Mitchell & Myles (2004), but its content was similar enough to the lectures that you could get by with borrowing it once from the library for the first assignment, and simply reading the relevant LMS readings for the other two. I didn't buy this, and didn't seem to need it.
2 x 1 hour lectures and a 1 x 1 hour tutorial per week. No tutorials in the first and last weeks.
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013, Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade

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