University Subjects

MAST30022: Decision Making

MAST30022: Decision Making

University of Melbourne
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4 years ago

4x assignments spread evenly since week 3, worth 5% each; final exam, worth 80%

I found that there isn't even a single review for this subject so I thought I make one, it will be quick;

First of all, this subject centered around game theory, and it is probably the most interesting
3rd year MAST subject in my opinion.

Assignments and lectures:
Unlike many other MAST3xxxx subjects, the assignments are very
approacheable, if you watch the lecture closely you shouldn't have any problem to score well,
it is kind of Calc2 style "do what I do" but there are more to it.The only more difficult part
of this subject is towards the end, the "dynamic programming" section, yes, you heard it right,
it's almost mean the same as the term you heard from Computer Science: an algorithm that look back its past,
and do something about it. AND it is just like dynamic programming in CS, it can be pretty hard;

The exam is very fair, and it is just like assignment questions, very approachable but it can be hard to finish everything
on time, so be sure to practice a lot. Notes were not allowed previously, but this year, 2020s2, has been an exception,
so this actually makes this year a bit easier.

Now personally, I like this subject, like a lot, partly because it feels like I actually learnt something that is quite useful,
game theory can be easily applied to real life situations so that you will make more sensible, more rational decisions.

Finally, there is a "sequal" to this subject taught by Mark Fackrell as well, MAST90137 Mathematical Game Theory, and I am very looking forward to that(if I am able to do it, that is).
Lectopia Enabled
Mark Fackerll
Past Exams Available
Yes, at least from 2016 and onwards
4.5 Out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
No need
3x 1hr Lecture, 1x 1hr Tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade

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