OB is tricky. Not because of the subject matter, or effort required to order to come out scoring flying colours, but in order to fully juke and conquer the marking scheme. Ive heard of many bright students (were talking straight H1 averages here) fall sub-70 or stuck in the 70-80 zone in their attempts to tackle this subject.
Firstly, the content is very interesting. It takes on a slightly psychological perspective, as you work through a cross-cut of interesting topics such as Culture, Power, Behaviours and such in the respective Macro and Micro proportion of the course. All the weeks are rather enjoyable, and lectures (although a large chunk is pointless) actually provoke some thinking as the theories trickle into your mind. Although I didnt do any readings (and I strongly recommend against), Id imagine they would be worthwhile if you were planning on continuing onto further Management studies they probably create the backbone of context that underpin higher-level studies.
The lecturers: Graham and Selina are good, effective and concise lecturers. They do go off-topic at times, but for good reason. Tutorials are run by competent tutors, but they can be a tad biased especially with regards to the 10% participation mark. Despite most of the tutors preaching that quality contribution > quantity, if you raise your hand a solid twice a lesson to pipe in, you should be set for a 9+, regardless of how stupid or pointless your contribution is.
The downfall of OB is assessment. Its common knowledge that management subjects are difficult subjects to mark, and strict criteria pretty much limits any off-pack or indie interpretations. So you have to take what you receive as gospel, and be very very selective with the way you control and write your answers in both assignments and the exam.
The first assignment is straightforward, but it does help to source a copy of the textbook to aid your writing. A lot of emphasis is put on correct referencing, so make sure this isnt compromised when youre writing. 10%, but Id say 90% of students hover around the 65-75 mark grade for it.
The team assignment is a bit of a nightmare. Youve probably heard of countless horror stories of students completely disappearing overseas, or just slacking off hard during crunch time. It really isnt too bad, but do be wary that you stick strictly to the criteria and dont deviate from the questions posed at hand, which is the key factor in dropping marks. Do try find a competent bunch of kids to work with, but make sure you dont get a bunch of kids that are either crazy obsessed with success, or tooooo lazy.
Dont try go off on your own tangent and make profound discoveries into OB; youll only be setting yourself up for disaster. Stick to the status quo (aka. Criteria and question sheet), and youll be set for another 70+. Its very difficult to score a H1 or above for this assignment, so just focus on having a moderately strong assignment (dont over-dedicate time to this assignment, youll fall flat on your face like my group), as once again, everything is going to hover around the 65-75 mark.
Onto the exam. I personally disliked the exam format A LOT. There is a big luck factor that comes with studying for the OB exam. You pretty much only get a cross-section of 2 weeks that are examined in detail for the exam. Even though the lecturers stressed on the importance of holistic learning, and putting everything together, having an exam that really only touches on two weeks is poor. Therefore, cramming for this subject actually works wonders. You dont really need to study till the final weeks of the semester.
Although its only supposed to be around 55% percent of your score, excelling in this exam is the ONLY way to get H1. Perfect, concise, and straightforward answers will put you on sail to the H1. Dont deviate and spiral off into your little world of OB.
For non-commerce students, OB should be an enjoyable breadth to take even if you possess little to no commerce background. I suggest commerce students to take on OB when they are in need of a rather cruisey 3rd/4th subject in second year.
OB is good fun, but dont let marking be the bitch it can turn out to be. Treat OB well, and it will treat you right.